Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Yeah! I got a cover for my new Scarlet Rose release IN HIS SLEEP! I'm so excited. This book was so much fun to write. It's got a lot of great hot sex, but it's also very humorous, which I love. I can't wait for it to come out.

I just turned in my first round of edits. I actually enjoy doing edits. To me, it's part of the fun. Making the book better, that is. Writing the draft is always the hardest part for me. That's work. Editing, revisions and rewriting is the part I like the most. It's when everything starts to come together. It's when I get that "tingle" feeling.

Oh boy, do I have that tingle feeling now. Anyway. There's the cover. Book, coming soon.....

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I am proud to annouce my short story, IN HIS SLEEP is now under contract with The Wild Rose Press!

This is a very exciting time for me. Please join me in my publishing journey!